Sunday, March 29, 2009

9 Is A Magic Number Haiku

I'm a bit of a math geek. I was listening to the radio this morning and Scott Flansburg was on the program. He had the neatest little math quirk; the answer is always 9.

92 _ 9+2=11 _ 11-2 (the 2 is from adding 1+1 from the number 11) =9
49 _ 4+9=13 _ 13-4(the 4 is from adding 1+3 from the number 13)=9
196 _ 1+9+6=16 _ 16-7=9
1238 _ 1+2+3+8=14 _ 14-5=9
17,863,125 _ 1+7+8+6+3+1+2+5=33 _ 33-6=27 _ 27-9=18 _ 18-9=9
290 _ 2+9+0=11 _ 11-2=9

The rules change slightly for numbers that don't have 2 digits when added together.
23 would be 23-5=18 _ 18-9=9
10 _ 10-1=9
35 _ 35-8=27 _ 27-9=18 _ 18-9=9

I can get it to work for numbers 1-9 but I have to tweak the rules a bit more. I don't know if that's what Scott did since I didn't hear the entire program.
1 _ 1+10=11 _ 11-2=9
4 _ 4+10=14 _ 14-5=9

I don't see what value this has in the greater scheme of things; but I find it interesting.

number nine resounds
mystic powers astounding
thru cosmic circles

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