Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sunrise Christmas Cookies

My family of night people has been cursed with a morning person. I not only wake up before dawn, I wake up productive and cheerful.

These cookies are a serious production. The dough is chilled the night before since the cookies are rolled until the dough becomes translucent (approximately 1/16" thick).

I used to make many different shapes using antique cookie cutters but I'm over that thanks to my family chugging cookies faster than I can make them.

It takes about 1.5 hours for me to make a batch, 3 hours with help. I now have a convection oven and can make them at lightening speed if I have someone to rotate the multitude of baking sheets. Nissa was conscripted and she appeared looking a bit like Bill the Cat before he had his daily phamaceutical enhancement and she cursed being the only person who answered my call.

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