Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How Many F's Do You Find?

I'm very interested in what influences perception and I thought I was fairly observant, but....

Count how many times the letter F appears in the sentence below.


How many did you see? The correct number is six. Most people don't see the f in the word of.

The F letter print is from 1870

forked fillets frying
forgotten fondue flaming
facile firefighters

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Spirograph Drawing with Haiku

You may remember Spirograph; it was a geared drawing toy with lots of tiny pins that I constantly poked myself with. You can do the same thing on a computer without perforation and stray ink marks.

mystery pattern
dizzying circles of ink
fridge art gallery

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

9 Is A Magic Number Haiku

I'm a bit of a math geek. I was listening to the radio this morning and Scott Flansburg was on the program. He had the neatest little math quirk; the answer is always 9.

92 _ 9+2=11 _ 11-2 (the 2 is from adding 1+1 from the number 11) =9
49 _ 4+9=13 _ 13-4(the 4 is from adding 1+3 from the number 13)=9
196 _ 1+9+6=16 _ 16-7=9
1238 _ 1+2+3+8=14 _ 14-5=9
17,863,125 _ 1+7+8+6+3+1+2+5=33 _ 33-6=27 _ 27-9=18 _ 18-9=9
290 _ 2+9+0=11 _ 11-2=9

The rules change slightly for numbers that don't have 2 digits when added together.
23 would be 23-5=18 _ 18-9=9
10 _ 10-1=9
35 _ 35-8=27 _ 27-9=18 _ 18-9=9

I can get it to work for numbers 1-9 but I have to tweak the rules a bit more. I don't know if that's what Scott did since I didn't hear the entire program.
1 _ 1+10=11 _ 11-2=9
4 _ 4+10=14 _ 14-5=9

I don't see what value this has in the greater scheme of things; but I find it interesting.

number nine resounds
mystic powers astounding
thru cosmic circles

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dogs and Their People

It's said that dogs resemble their people or is it people resemble their dogs... Zelda is black with brown and white. Nissa, my pretty blond haired daughter now has very cute brown and black locks.

Nissa wanted purple but the salon only had pink and orange so she chose black; the similarity was only a fun coincidence. The Haiku was written for Zelda who is frequently waiting for meals or sunbeams on top of the table.

dinner smells abound
staggering hunger strikes soon
bring bowls of food now

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Bathtub Haiku

I became enamored with Haiku in 5th grade. I loved the restrictions of the style and I enjoy counting syllables.

I sing when I get in the shower. I always thought no one could hear me because of the cone of silence that a shower curtain ensures. I wrote this one after I came out of the health club shower after exhausting my repertoire of show tunes and Simon and Garfunkel hits.

soft song resonates
chrome shower sprinkles lilting
applause exit left

I wrote this one tonight in the bathtub.

hot toe flinches back
cooling spray sought urgently
soothing tub awaits

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